Dave Caplan is president of Opportunities in Options in Malibu, Calif., a firm that specializes in analyzing and… .... Sherman McClellan. For more than 40 years, Sherman McClellan has been a legend among technical analysts of the stock market. Working alongside his late wife Marian, Sherman was the inventor of the the McClellan Oscillator and Summation Index… ... Glenn Neely is president and founder (1983) of the Elliott Wave Institute, a market research and advisory firm in<wbr>…
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Dave Caplan is president of Opportunities in Options in Malibu, Calif., a firm that specializes in analyzing and… .... Sherman McClellan. For more than 40 years, Sherman McClellan has been a legend among technical analysts of the stock market. Working alongside his late wife Marian, Sherman was the inventor of the the McClellan Oscillator and Summation Index… ... Glenn Neely is president and founder (1983) of the Elliott Wave Institute, a market research and advisory firm in<wbr>…
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